Monday, May 29, 2006

Bulan dipagar bintang

Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Makin indah jika dipandang
Bagai gadis beri senyuman
Pada bujang idaman
Belai kasih ingin dimanja
Dengan cumbuan mesra
Untuk pelipur lara
Penawar dik asmara
Mm .... mm .... mm .... mm ...
Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Tambah seri cuaca malam
Murni sungguh ciptaan Tuhan
Bulan bintang lampu alam
Andai kata bintang menyepi
Bulan tidak berseri
Malam menjadi sunyi
Tidak berseri lagi

Found this song in the computer at home. 'Bulan dipagar bintang' was sung by P. Ramlee and Saloma. The song was written by P. Ramlee and lyrics by S. Sudarmaji. And it's the song my ex-boyfriend used to frequently sing to me...

Yes, I do miss him sometimes. I miss talking to him, mostly. I think he understood me best. He understood me without me having to explain to him. I even thought that he was my soulmate.

But soulmates don't always end up together. Soulmates fight, soulmates leave each other. Or in my case, my soulmate found another person, a person who was able to make him feel as if he's struck with lightning (yes, soulmates tell each other nearly everything, even stories about the other person). So my soulmate left me, and become the soulmate to that other person. I guess we weren't soulmates, after all.

Maybe I'll meet my soulmate, sooner or later. Or maybe 'soulmates' is just a crappy, bulls**t concept.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Pandanglah lihatlah

Tokoh-tokoh korporat....

Me and my siblings. The loves of my life. We are so different from each other, but somehow we share the same 'wavelength'. If we were five different cars in a parking space, a press of the button on one of the remote control thingy would unlock all our doors (yeah, pathetic analogy...can't think of a better one...).

May Allah forgive, protect and bless them.

(p/s: Note the authentic, un-plastic smiles on our faces? The photographer was so good, we were actually giggling throughout the shoot. His secret? He kept saying, 'Yah senyum...senyum nampak gigi..yah...senyum lagi...' with a chinese accent...)

Friday, May 26, 2006

All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl?

Am going back to KL today (yay!). My sister called me two days ago, asking whether I'm driving back to KL for the weekend or not. She called again yesterday. Did not plan to go, initially, but was a bit tempted after those calls haha. Then last night my mom called. Said my dad is coming over to KL, and is going to Langkawi for a meeting middle of next week. And the rest of the family who is not committed (committed? heehee) to the rat race (well, not exactly a rat race, but it does feel that way) will tag along. So they'll need the family's most spacious car. Thus sealing my decision to go back to KL this weekend... Would love to join them in Langkawi, but I guess I have to do with KL. Maybe I'll visit Aquaria this Saturday, just to compensate for missing all the azure crystal-clear water they'll be bathing in (and jet skiing and banana-boating and snorkelling...). Aquaria should be enough 'play' for me :( ...

Argued the matter of 'rest and play' with one of my housemates last night. She took a day off yesterday. When I asked why (earlier in the day), she said she needs to go to the bank and pay the bills, and that she had not taken any leave recently.

So I, with my not-so-logical mind, told her it's easier with Maybank2U, but then she said she doesn't have the account. I said allright, and went on to do my work. And then it struck me that she's the kind who'll go to the office on Saturdays AND Sundays (and even on public holidays!), and work her ass off from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (and sometimes later than that). I bet my finger* she'll do that this weekend. Me, I'd rather work my ass off (although I don't think I'm doing it right, as my ass is not getting any smaller) on a weekday, and get my rest on the weekends, when everybody is also getting their days off, and is least likely to call me up to ask on things concerning work.

Therefore, during dinner, I asked her:

'Are you going to the office this weekend?'

She said, 'Yes'.

'Why didn't you just work today, and do the things you needed to do on the weekend? I'd say it's easier that way.' (My below-average logic mind going on overdrive...)

'I can concentrate on my work on the weekend.'

'But then, what about those people who came looking for you and found that you are on leave? They'll be looking for you again next week, anyway. Might as well attend to them, and have the weekend for yourself. No need to go to the office on Saturdays or Sundays. Have it all over and done with on the weekdays.'

'The students are not around. They'll not be looking for me.'

'The people who are looking for your help are not necessarily students...' (I should have gone into legal practice/politics...)

'Why do people question me on when I'm taking my leave? Other people take their days off, too, but no one's questioning them!'

'Whatever. Take your leave. Take a week off, if you must; I don't care'.

Cue: two annoyed girls go into silence. One spectator, caught in the middle of the firing range, looks ill at ease.

* I bet my finger: My GBF has this saying 'Kerat jari aku kalau...' (roughly translated: 'I dare to cut my finger off if.....') when he wants to bet on things. Recently he wagered his finger on a bet with a friend, and the friend won. I asked him which finger will go, and he said he's exchanged the finger with a dinner at Nando's.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Jangan main mercun

Husband orang dah takde SMS-SMS lagi dah. Takde lagi lah stok geli-geli. Best jugak bila ada stok geli-geli ni, tapi bak kata sorang kawan kat Segamat, "bayangkan kalau mak kita kat tempat wife dia". Terus tak jadi. Takut diri sendiri pun terberada di tempat yang sama. Orang putih pun kata, 'what goes around comes around'. Versi melayu nya: 1) Dunia ini ibarat roda, sekejap di atas, sekejap di bawah, atau 2) (versi bahasa pasar) Pusing-pusing, balik-balik kat situ jugak. Maaf lah takde peribahasa yang lebih klasik ala-ala Datuk Karam Singh Walia.

Banyak kekusutan lah hari ni. Ada satu dua yang selesai - e.g. cukai pendapatan, jadual kasar sapa nak ajar apa... Tapi ada BERLAMBAK lagi kekusutan yang menunggu untuk diselesaikan. Kalaulah kekusutan itu ibarat duit, mesti aku dah bawak Mercedes CLK sekarang. Paling cikai pun Honda Civic lah...

Tadi ada sorang rakan sekerja tanya, 'Tak cuti ke?'. Aku pun terbalas dengan 'Huh? Cuti?'. Katanya, 'Yelah dah hujung-hujung cuti semester ni orang ramai yang cuti jugak'. Aku terus terdiam. Terus teringat KK. Terus teringat janji pada diri sendiri nak balik Sabah masa cuti ni. Terus teringat aktiviti-aktiviti bawak mak pegi bank/KLCC/clubhouse/bayar bil dari pagi hari sampai petang hari. Atau paling cikai pun, aktiviti tukar-tukar channel Astro sambil kunyah Twisties. Lepas tu terus teringat surat-surat yang tak tertulis lagi, research proposal yang tak mula lagi, supervisor/pensyarah yang tak ditelefon lagi.... Semobile mana kita sebenar-benarnya?

Aku rindu dengan ke'bourgeois'an KK agaknya.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Playing with fire

I'm playing with fire. I'm exchanging SMSes with someone's husband. One way to justify my actions is that I know him first; he was my high school classmate. Now I can quite understand why and how these things happen. The, my.... this is the grown-up version of breaking the school laws and regulation. The high is similar to the feelings you get when you wear the baju kurung sekolah with balcony bras and without camisole...

I should stop it now, shouldn't I?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I've caught the Blogthing fever again

Who Should Paint You: Pablo Picasso

Your an expressive soul who shows many emotions, with many subtleties
Only a master painter could represent your glorious contradictions

Your Love Life Secrets Are

Looking back on your life, you will only have one true love.

You're a little scarred from your past relationships, but who isn't?

You expect a lot from your lover - you want the full package. You tend to be very picky.

In fights, you are able to walk away and calm down. You are able to weather the storm.

Getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go.

Your IQ Is 115

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional

Your General Knowledge is Above Average

You Should Get a MFA (Masters of Fine Arts)

You're a blooming artistic talent, even if you aren't quite convinced.
You'd make an incredible artist, photographer, or film maker.
Your Career Type: Realistic

You are practical and mechanical.
Your talents lie in working with tools, mechanical or electrical drawings, machines, or animals.

You would make an excellent:

Carpenter - Diesel Mechanic - Electrician
Farmer - Fire Fighter - Flight Engineer
Forester - Locksmith - Locomotive Engineer
Pilot - Police Officer - Truck Driver

The worst career options for your are social careers, like social worker or teacher.

Mana 'audiologist'nya???