Have you ever come across a day where everything starts wrong? When your cat refuses to be outside because the stupid kucing entah sapa punya thinks that your cat is a nailfile and therefore can be used to sharpen her claws? And when you've finally reached your office, you realise that your PC is having one of it's latter-day-Watson Nyambek days and starts to run real slow?
I'm having one of those days.
My consolation is that I'll be in KL this evening, watching Disney Channel on my mom's 29" TV, eating home-cooked rice and lauk.
And book-browsing at Kinokuniya on a weekday. Plus cuci mata kat KLCC heheh...
And treating my sister to a nice meal, because she got me an autograph from Art Fazil *swoon*, and bought me a shirt from one of the European cities she visited recently. Secret Recipe if the shirt is so-so (e.g. H&M label), Sari Ratu if it's MNG- or Kookai-equivalent, Chili's if it's something from Moschino or the like. (Yes, I can be shallow sometimes.)
But first, I have to reply all these emails, schedule all these classes, justify the department's budget, rescue that makcik in distress, save the hawksbill turtle from extinction (telur penyu jenis ni sedap tau!) and promote world peace.
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