Kisah suka duka seorang 'fag-hag' (yang berangan jadi jurugambar National Geographic Society & membuat persembahan di Galeri Petronas) dalam pencariannya untuk seorang Encik Betul. Juga berangan untuk jadi penari zapin...
Is it that bad? Or do I need more training to understand baroque and classical?
It's not bad at all. This piece makes me feel happy, calm, excited :) (and I don't really understand baroque haha)
and you're not into contemporary music? try this
Thanks Staccato Legato, but I'm more into this:
Good selection of Gregorian's... though the song is about a boy who didn't forgive his father for all negativity happened "so I dub thee Unforgiven".Used to love this song, always gets me every time, but no more. Too old to hold grudges. the way, what is Kusut?
'Kusut' means tangled or messy :)
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Is it that bad? Or do I need more training to understand baroque and classical?
It's not bad at all. This piece makes me feel happy, calm, excited :) (and I don't really understand baroque haha)
and you're not into contemporary music? try this
Thanks Staccato Legato, but I'm more into this:
Good selection of Gregorian's... though the song is about a boy who didn't forgive his father for all negativity happened "so I dub thee Unforgiven".
Used to love this song, always gets me every time, but no more. Too old to hold grudges.
By the way, what is Kusut?
'Kusut' means tangled or messy :)
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