Saturday, March 05, 2005

KL, here I come!

Am going back to KL this evening, after work. YAY! I hope today will be a good day for driving long-distance. Rain, rain, go away; come again some other day....

I have been up to here (cue: nose) doing Kulliyyah- and department- related work. There's the never-ending development work - we were granted a complex of buildings not originally designed for us, so we had to 'modify' them to our specifications; and there's the am-I-doing-this-right? course outline.

And I should hand in the course outline by this afternoon, so gtg and finish my work! See ya!


OuiOui said... nih arkitek or cikgu..hehehehe

have a safe journey salam to yr mom & everybody

kusut dan jiwang said...

sume ade...interior designer pun ada gak hahaha...

OuiOui said...

interior designer....??

kena demand lebih from yr employer nih!