Friday, February 25, 2005

Sh*tty Evening, Sh*tty Morning, Sh*tty Week

I just need to get this of my system. I'm putting this into my blog because I have to remember this. I will shelf it if I want to, later; but now, this is like a reference.

The latter half of the week had been a sh*tty period for two of my friends. Both cases involved persons with foul mouths and empty heads. One of them is a sad loser, and I think he can't stand being dumped by a girl. He started sending abusive messages to my friend, and then to me. My friend begged me not to retaliate, as he would send more abuses to her. I wish I could do something, but I was worried about my friend. Ah well, there's still a lot of time...I don't forget easily...I will get my revenge...


Anonymous said...

So, if it was Sh**ty morning and Sh**ty evening, and Sh**ty week, it would be a lot of SH** around.

OuiOui said...

relax, breath in, breath out..